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Callum Beesley
Callum is a
From pillar to post
One minute they want me
The next they’ve forgotten
Where they’ve laid me down.
Dark, always dark
Away from my cousin –
I haven’t seen him in years.
Sometimes they want me back
At least I think so
For a moment
Until I realize they’re between
Serious relationships
And want me for
A quick mind fuck.
They take me
Hover me in front of their faces
Like a mask
And pretend to all those prospective
Lovers before them
They’re the same sweet Sandra
The same funny Flo
The same curious Callum
From High School
I know they are not.
Why do I put up with them?
Because every time they hold me
Every time they bring me up to
Their faces and I look into their eyes
I think: this is it
At last they recognize me
This time
They’ll kiss me.
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